Mammoth Si: The All-in-One VEG – BLOOM Solution
Mammoth® Si sets itself apart as the ultimate all-in-one solution for your entire growth cycle. Uniquely formulated, Mammoth® Si simplifies your regimen with a single formula and application rate. Our innovative formulation enhances the bioavailability of silicic acid, maximizing plant silicon uptake for optimal growth.
Concentrated Power, Minimal Usage
Experience the convenience of one low use rate (0.5 mL/GAL) from early growth stages through bloom. Our concentrated formulation ensures that growers can achieve exceptional results with minimal product usage.
Unveiling the Science Behind Mammoth Strong
Structural Integrity Equals Functional Excellence
Silica plays a pivotal role in enhancing cellular development, notably by boosting the production of cell walls. Picture silica as the mortar binding cells together, fortifying the plant's framework. This sturdy foundation enables cell walls to function more efficiently, optimizing plant performance.
Enhanced Strength and Stature
Silica's reputation for fortifying cell walls translates into tangible benefits for growers. Robust cell walls are crucial for supporting dense flowers and maximizing yield potential. Whether indoors or outdoors, thickened stems empowered by silica provide resilience against adverse weather conditions, ensuring efficient nutrient distribution throughout the plant.